The Books
The Film
Tapping Diagrams
Child-friendly Tapping Diagrams
Use with yourself, your students or own children.
Print individual copies for students to keep in their personal spaces, or enlarge as a chart in your classroom.
Left-click any of these to enlarge or Right-click and “Save As” to download.
Tapping diagrams also available in Spanish:

Educator/Parent Corner
Resources for Teachers, Parents, and Schools
If you are looking for ways to explore, introduce, implement, and guide your work with EFT Tapping in your classroom or school, you have come to the right place! Here in the Educator & Parent Corner, you will find a variety of free resources to use with your students. We hope the videos, diagrams, and other materials will help guide you to use EFT Tapping effectively with your students or in your school.
Click the title or picture below!
Download Your FREE Resources for Educators
Including an Educator Quickstart Guide, lesson plans for Gorilla Thumps & Bear Hugs (a children's book), resources in Spanish, and MORE!

Enter your information below:
Tapping in the Classroom Online Training
With an increasing need for EFT Tapping in schools, the new Tapping in the Classroom Online Training gives school personnel the information needed to implement Tapping in their school. While we have an extensive variety of free materials available, this online training gives you additional research, videos, handouts, and resources to apply EFT Tapping in your school. Check out what's included:
This program was developed by Dr. Peta Stapleton who has 22 years experience as a registered Clinical & Health Psychologist. She is deeply involved in research around EFT Tapping and its impact in schools, including recent research that has shown EFT to significantly reduce fear of failure in 15 year old students, and improve their self-perceived difficulties. The program is designed to give school staff an effective tool to help children overcome stress, anxiety and behavioral challenges.
The BEST part is that with your purchase, a portion of the proceeds goes to The Tapping Solution Foundation to support the work being done around the world with trauma relief and bringing Tapping into schools. Not only are you helping the children you work with, but you're helping even more around the world!
Learn more.

Our series of Tapping videos for kids helps to address common issues that students are experiencing in school. Test anxiety, social concerns, and preparing for a presentation are a few examples. These videos are easy-to-follow and engaging for a wide range of ages, giving students the opportunity to release distractions and become fully engaged with their learning. These Tap-along videos are available with Spanish subtitles.

Click to download our brochure to share with colleagues, administrators, and families. You can print and share as you’d like. Information includes quick tutorials, testimonials, diagrams, and where to download our free resources.

In this Tapping Meditation for Teachers, Jessica Ortner guides you through Tapping on the feeling of overwhelm and worry, and turning those feelings into a sense of clarity, hope, and compassion for yourself.

Nick Ortner writes about Tapping with children and its benefits at home and in the classroom. Check out these articles to find out more, including how teachers used Tapping to recharge themselves!

Health Psychologist Kelly McGonigal discusses her life-changing findings on stress. After 10 years researching and sharing her work regarding how stress can negatively affect a person’s well-being, she shares how a new discovery has proved her work wrong. A new study has found that it is not the amount of stress in your life that affects your health, it is the way you view and manage your stress that can lead to stress-induced health concerns.

In this video, Dr. Peta Stapleton introduces Tapping to 7-year-old, Elise. Through the use of a Tapping stuffed animal bear, Dr. Stapleton shares where the Tapping points are, how to Tap, and how it is a tool used to make us feel better.

Want to stay up-to-date on our work, learn from other educators using Tapping, and be the first to be notified of new resources? Join our Facebook Group!
Spanish Resources/ Material en Español

Nuestra serie de videos educacionales de Tapping ayudan al los estudiantes a enfrentar situaciones que pueden estar experimentando en la escuela. Algunos ejemplos son: ansiedad acerca de tomar pruebas, dificultades sociales o para la preparación de hacer una presentación oral. Estos videos son dinámicos, fáciles de seguir y están diseñados para una amplia gama de edades, dando la oportunidad a los estudiantes de prepararse mejor y estar presentes e inmersos en su proceso de aprendizaje. Estos videos están disponibles con subtítulos en Español.
Para encontrar material en Español cliquee aquí. Usted encontrara una guía para implementar Tapping en las escuelas y otros recursos útiles.
Meditaciones con Tapping en Español
Si quiere aprender los puntos de Tapping vea este video con Jessica Ortner con subtítulos en Español.